Climate Maturity Assessment Quiz

This quiz builds upon the Transform to Net Zero’s Supplier Transformation Framework to help you assess your company’s climate maturity by answering a series of 12 questions across 5 climate topics. You’ll be assessed using a tiered framework and pointed to resources across the Net Zero Action Accelerator website to help you find what you need to make progress on your climate goals within your company, value chain and beyond.

Climate Maturity Assessment Quiz

Q1. Select the response that most closely aligns with how you perform Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions measurement and assurance:

Q2. Select the response that most closely aligns with how you set and validate climate targets:

Q3. Select the response that most closely aligns with how you set renewable energy targets:

Q4. Select the response that most closely aligns with your organizational design for climate and sustainability related initiatives:

Q5. Select the response that most closely aligns with your internal incentives for climate and sustainability related initiatives:

Q6. Select the response that most closely aligns with your climate-related reporting capabilities:

Q7. Select the response that most closely aligns with your disclosure of climate-related plans and roadmaps:

Q8. Select the response that most closely aligns with your company’s current climate literacy, knowledge, and expertise:

Q9. Select the response that most closely aligns with your climate-related process integration:

Q10. Select the response that most closely aligns with your climate-related strategy development and implementation:

Q11. Select the response that most closely aligns with your approach to industry collaboration:

Q12. Select the response that most closely aligns with your approach to policy engagement and disclosure:

Climate Maturity Assessment Quiz

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Where do you fall on the climate maturity ladder?

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