Jake HillerSustainable Finance Manager, Boston, MA
Area of Expertise: Clean energy, sustainable fisheries, tropical forests and agricultural supply chains, methane mitigation technologies for oil and gas, energy efficiency, private equity.
Jake overseew development and implementation of strategies that help to leverage the influence, expertise and capital of the financial marketplace to protect the environment, improve livelihoods, and achieve the ambitious goals in EDF's Pathways 2025 strategy.

Posts by this author

Hydrogen Investments Are Everywhere. Which Have What It Takes To Succeed?
H2 hubs present a unique opportunity to bring energy producers, users, other stakeholders into integrated projects where they succeed or fail as one.

Hydrogen Is Booming: 3 Things Investors Need To Know To Reduce Their Risk
As the public and private sector go all-in on hydrogen energy, there are important unknowns to deployment at scale.

Why Disney World is betting on clean energy
Angie Renner, Environmental Integration Director at Walt Disney World Resort, talks about Walt Disney's clean energy investments and environmental education

Why clean energy investments should be part of your risk management strategy
There's a new way to approach energy risks that should interest business leaders who navigate today's changing economy.

One year after Hurricane Maria
What happened, and what it means for climate action, clean energy, and environmental justice.