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Green Shipping and Sustainable Finance: Stronger Together

With shared ambitions to reach net zero, the shipping and finance industries must work together to accelerate sustainable shipping finance.

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Ship dry dock

Time to double down on high-confidence nature investments for climate and resilience

Published: March 21, 2024 by Elizabeth Sturcken

Research finds that tropical and temperate forest conservation and reforestation ‘lead the pack’ in certainty of climate benefits.

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Unlocking Corporate Climate Investments: Beyond Value Chain Mitigation as a Key to Closing the Finance Gap

Published: March 8, 2024 by Jordan Faires

SBTi’s new report on BVCM is a significant step forward in helping companies understand how and why beyond value chain investments are necessary.

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Aerial view of pine forest

MethaneSAT brings key tool to oil & gas operators, gives stakeholders unprecedented transparency

Published: February 29, 2024 by Andrew Baxter

MethaneSAT will bring unprecedented capabilities to the existing set of methane-detecting satellites, in a new era of transparency, accountability.

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Methane emissions in oil & gas

Walmart’s Project Gigaton win shows how to cut emissions with speed and scale

Published: February 21, 2024 by Elizabeth Sturcken

Walmart achieved its Project Gigaton goal to reduce, avoid, or sequester 1 gigaton of emissions from its supply chain six years earlier than expected.

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farm land

Pathways to Net Zero: Circular Economy Strategies for Climate Action

A circular economy is a regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage are minimized by narrowing energy and mate

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Net Zero Circularity

A Tale of Two Resolutions: Exxon versus Coterra, What Investors Got Wrong

Published: November 2, 2023 by Dominic Watson

World’s largest asset managers publicly disclosed voting records on climate shareholder resolutions, and the results indicate a worrisome trend.

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Exxon sign

What investors need to know about carbon credits

Published: October 23, 2023 by Andrew Howell

High-integrity carbon credits can help accelerate the net zero transition by financing emission reduction and removal activities.

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Sequoia Trees