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ExxonMobil at a crossroads: A mega-merger in the Permian threatens U.S. methane action

Published: May 4, 2023 by Dominic Watson

ExxonMobil is reported to be eyeing an acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources, the third-largest oil producer in the booming Permian Basin.

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EDF Climate Corps Launches Food and Agriculture Pilot Program

Published: December 8, 2022

The pilot will embed fellows within companies that have a significant footprint from animal agriculture and aim to reduce emissions.

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Corporate commitments for net zero by 2050 rely on Climate Transition Action Plans from 2023

Published: November 4, 2022

Between setting goals and disclosing progress, it is critical that companies develop a CTAP to ensure their targets are achieved.

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Breakthrough on budget reconciliation: 3 actions companies can take now

Published: August 2, 2022 by Victoria Mills

Business support is essential to get Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 signed into law. See how.

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Big bright spot in a disappointing season for shareholder climate resolutions

Published: May 26, 2022 by Andrew Howell

Yesterday shareholders made their voice heard, now it’s time for Chevron to show it is listening.

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Food waste is a massive societal issue. Climate Corps and ReFED partner to implement solutions.

Published: May 11, 2022 by Mali'o Kodis

Climate Corps is teaming up with ReFED to launch a pilot program to bolster the capacity of companies to tackle food waste.

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5 Takes on the Future of Climate Tech

Published: April 5, 2022 by Fred Krupp

EDF President Fred Krupp reflects on his time at the Techonomy Climate conference.

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An Investor’s Guide to the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership

This first-of-its-kind reporting framework is designed to improve the clarity and credibility of oil and gas industry methane emissions data.

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