Financing Methane Abatement: An introduction to sustainable finance instruments
Creating the right financial instruments can enable cash-constrained national oil companies to pursue rapid oil and gas methane abatement.
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MethaneSAT brings key tool to oil & gas operators, gives stakeholders unprecedented transparency
Published: February 29, 2024 by Andrew Baxter
MethaneSAT will bring unprecedented capabilities to the existing set of methane-detecting satellites, in a new era of transparency, accountability.
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A Tale of Two Resolutions: Exxon versus Coterra, What Investors Got Wrong
Published: November 2, 2023 by Dominic Watson
World’s largest asset managers publicly disclosed voting records on climate shareholder resolutions, and the results indicate a worrisome trend.
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Unlocking Geothermal Energy: Overcoming the Obstacles
Published: October 18, 2023 by Andrew Howell
Companies are coming together around innovation in geothermal energy that could give it a foundational role in the emerging clean power grid.
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Carbon Conundrum: The Curious Case of Financed Emissions
Big banks have made progress in setting climate commitments recently, but disclosure of their portfolio emissions are inconsistent and unclear.
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2023 World Bank Flaring Update
2023 World Bank data indicates trouble for the goal of zero routine flaring by 2030. Oil & gas producers must cut flaring by 20% per year to meet ZRF.
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An Investor Guide to the Climate Principles for Oil and Gas Mergers and Acquisitions
The Climate Principles can create opportunities to create long-term value, and shape a new paradigm for oil and gas transactions to reduce global GHG.
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MethaneSAT: A New Era of Transparency for Methane Measurement
MethaneSAT will fill critical gaps in the capabilities of existing methane satellites and be a powerful tool to accelerate climate action
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